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My First 30 Days of Living Pur Pak

November 29, 2012 by Carly Johann in Uncategorized with 0 responses

As a proud Pur Pak ambassador, I couldn’t be happier to share my first impressions. I’ve been taking one serving daily for a month and noting the difference it’s made in my daily schedule. I Pak my days full with training for next triathlon season, working in a bike shop, modeling, blogging about beer, and coaching, and Pur Pak has held my winter colds at bay at this busy time of year.

Pur Pak has been powering me through my first workouts of the 2013 triathlon season with great results so far. My energy levels have stayed higher than in the past and I’ve felt much more hydrated throughout the day and during workouts. I take my daily dose either with breakfast or during a swim workout. The time of day hasn’t effected the way I feel, as long as I get it in.  I haven’t had any cramping in the pool, as i would occasionally experience after a long day in the past.

As extra bonuses, I don’t dehydrate after a beer or two, my hair has actually gotten thicker and my fingernails are stronger, too! Keep it comin’ Pur Pak, I’m on board for the long haul!

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