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One Month In

January 31, 2013 by Carly Johann in Uncategorized with 0 responses

Now that the year is 1/12 over, how are your resolutions holding up? Mine are…wobbly. Some days I am eating right, completing all of the training sessions that Coach Gerardo has given me, sleeping 8 hours, and getting work done. And, of course, some days I do none of those things.

This is a good time to reevaluate where the year is headed. January 1 is so open and full of promise, but it is easy to fall back into those same ruts of the previous year. It takes 28 days for a new habit to stick, so since I didn’t start at the beginning of the month diligently with my new eating habits, it hasn’t stuck yet. February is yet another new beginning; another chance to get down to race weight! And, another chance to fill in my training diary completely. Coach G will be so proud if I can manage that one.

One new habit I have been able to stick with is one packet of Pur Pak daily. I at least know that I’m getting my daily supply of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support those busy days of training and working when I may or may not get enough sleep. The pouches make it easier to remember to take Pur Pak than forget. I simply stash it in each of my bags and purses, hide some in my car, at work and in the trunk of my scooter. No excuses! Now if it was that easy to make it to 6am swim practice, I’d really be in business…

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