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We’re Going Streaking…

April 3, 2013 by mklein in Uncategorized with 0 responses

If you had asked me what streaking meant a decade ago I would have rambled on about nudity and a “quad.” A few years ago I may have mentioned Will Ferrell and a funny scene from the movie “Wedding Crashers.” Today, I’m referencing Wikipedia, which defines a streak as a brief spell or continuous run of something.

This last definition is what I have going on now, and since I’m a few months into it, I felt it was time to start sharing with people. Today was the 93rd consecutive day of my running streak. For those that don’t know, the official definition of a running streak, as adopted by the United States Running Streak Association, Inc., is to run at least one continuous mile (1.61 kilometers) within each calendar day under one’s own body power (without the utilization of any type of health or mechanical aid other than prosthetic devices).

I’m sharing this because without Pur Pak to help support my active lifestyle AND support my immune system, this endeavor would surely be impossible. That’s a fact. One mile a day sounds like an easy task – at least that’s what I thought when I hit the road on New Year’s day. But running day in and day out in New Jersey, through winter, is no easy task. Sooner or later, I thought, I’ll get sick. I always do. It’s the nature of the beast running in the Northeast. But that hasn’t happened yet. And the only thing I know I’m doing differently these days is taking an active life style supplement daily. Somebody once told me, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” Great suggestion. I made a change, and I’m thrilled that it’s working.

And it really hasn’t been one mile a day anyway. But that’s for another post….

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